Suzy's suitcase from Moonrise Kingdom
One of my most favorite things in the world are fantasy books. I have an extensive collection of children's fantasy books. It's a thing.
One reason is that some of them are leftover from my childhood and another reason is that I home schooled my 3rd child and read a LOT of books. I love to read aloud.
I thought that I would create blogs every so often showcasing some of my favorites. People love to buy their children books and they often look for fantasy. Children need to learn to curl up with a book on a rainy day, or read with mom or dad and visit a new world, or take a book outside into the warm sunshine and just enjoy it.
Today's books are some of my favorites from childhood. I would classify these as easy-to-read chapter books for 2nd through Middle School. I found these when I was in school through the Scholastic order forms.
Anyway, these books are all written by Ruth Chew. She wrote and illustrated quite a few books. Mrs. Chew passed away in 2010 at the age of 90, but her books live on. I was delighted to see that a number of them are being published again!
Ruth Chew (portrait by Irving Schild)
These are pictures of my own copies. They are all filled with magical strangers, gadgets, and adventures. Most importantly, they have children that are quick thinkers and independent doers.
The following books I retrieved from and I am linking back to them. These are the ones they have selected to be re-published and it looks like they are calling them "Matter-of-Fact Magic Books".
This one has 3 tales in it: The Witch's Buttons, The Witch's Cat, The Witch's Garden
I don't own any of the new versions, but I plan on getting them to add to my collection. I love the new covers.
If you have never heard of Ruth Chew's books, then please do your child (and yourself) a favor and check them out. To find out more about this wonderful author, please go here: